Algorithm Ch8 Sort in linear time

Algorithm Ch8 Sort in linear time

Lower bounds for sorting

  • to examine all the input
  • All sort lower bound are
  • is lower bound for comparison test

Decision Tree

  • Abstration of any comparison sort
  • Represents comparison made by
    • specific sorting algorithm
    • on input of a given size
  • Abstract away conotrol & data movement, etc.
    • counting only comparison

For insertion sort on 3 elements

* internal node: indices of array elements from their original pos. * leaf: permutation of orders that the algorithm determines * leaf numbers >= n!

For any comparison sort

  • 1 tree for each n
  • view the tree: like algorithm splits in two at each node, base on the inf. is has determined up to that point
  • tree models all possible execution tracs

length of the longest path from root to leaf

depends on the algorithm

  • Insertion Sort
  • Merge Sort


any binary tree of height h has <= leaves

  • l = # of leaves
  • h = height
  • l <=


any decision tree that sorts n ele. has height

  • Proof.
    l >= n!
    By lemma,
    Take logs, h >= lg(n!)
    Use Stirling;s appor.,
    $h >= lg(n/e)^n = nlg(n/e) = nlgn - nlge = \Omega(n,lg,n)


Heapsort, merge sort are asymptotically optimal comparison sort(最優排序)

Sorting in linear time

Counting sort

Depends on a key assumption: numbers <- {0, 1, …, k}

  • Input: A[1…n], where A[j] <- {0, …, k} for all j
  • Output: B[1…n], B should be already allocated
  • Auxiliary Storage: C[0…k]

pseudo code


  • stable because of how the last loop works
    • keys with same value appear in same order


, which is if k =
Is k practical?

  • 32-bit? No
  • 16-bit? probably not
  • 8-bit? Maybe, depending on n
  • 4-bit? Probably
  • Counting sort used in radix sort

Radix Sort

Sort least significant digits first
To sort d digits:


Assume digits 1, 2, …, i-1 is already sorted
for digit:

  • if two digit are different -> by counting sort
  • if … are equal -> count sort is stable, keep order before

It shows why it’s important to use a stable sort for intermediate sort


Assume intermediate sort is counting sort

  • per pass (digit in range 0, …, k)
  • d pass
  • total
  • if k = , time =

Break digit

  • n words
  • b bits per word
  • Break into r-bit digits. Have d = [b/r]
  • Using counting sort, k = -1
    • EX. 32-bit words, 8-bits digits.
    • b = 32, r = 8, d = [32/8] = 4
    • k = - 1 = 255
  • Time =
How to choose r?

Balance and n + , choosing r lg n

give us =

  • if r < lg n
    • >
    • n + do not improve, keep
  • if r > lg n
    • n + gets big
    • Ex. r = 2lg n = =

So, to sort 32-bit numbers, use r = lg = 16 bit, which do 2 passes


  • 1 million () 32-bit int.
  • Radix sort: ceil(32/20) = 2 passes
  • Merge sort/quick sort: lg n = 20 passes
  • each passes in radix sort is really 2
    • one to take census
    • one to move data

why radix can violate ground rule of comparison sort

  • using counting sort allows us to gain inf. about key by means other than comparison
  • used keys as array indices

Bucket sort

Assume the input is generated by a random process that distributes ee/ uniformly over [0, 1)


  • Divide [0, 1) into n equal-sized buckets
  • Distribute the n input values into the bucket
  • sort each bucket
  • go through buckets in order, listing ele. in each one

Input: A[1…n], where 0 <= A[i] < 1 for all i
Auxiliary array: B[0…n-1] of linked lists, each list init. empty


  • Consider A[i], A[j], WLOG, A[i] <= A[j]
  • than floor(nA[i]) <= floor(nA[j])
  • thus A[i], A[j]
    • in the same bucket, by insertion sort => fixes up
    • other wise, by concatenation in ordere => fixes up


  • relies on no buckets getting too many values
  • All lines of algo. excpt inserting sort take altogether(除了插入排序,其他部分總共需要…)
  • Intuitively, if each bucket gets a constant number of ele., it takes time to sort each bucket
    • for all bucket
  • except each bucket to have few ele., since the average is 1 ele. per bucket

careful Analyse

Def. a RV.

  • = the number of ele. placd in bucket B[i]

Because insertion sort run in quadratic time, bucket sort time is

  • T(n) = + $\sum^{n-1}{i=0}O(n{i}^{2})$

Take expectations,

  • E[T(n)] = E[ + $\sum^{n-1}{i=0}O(n{i}^{2})\Theta(n)\sum^{n-1}{i=0}E(O(n{i}^{2}))\Theta(n)\sum^{n-1}{i=0}O(E(n{i}^{2}))$

= 2 - (1/n) for i = 0, …, n-1

proof of claim,
Def. indicator RV.

  • = I{A[j] falls in bucket i}
  • Pr{A[j] falls in bucket i} = 1/n
  • =

= = =

= Pr{A[j] do not fall in bucket i} + Pr{A[j] falls in bucket i} = 0(1 - ) + 1 =

for j

  • and are independent RV.
  • than is = =

= + 2 = + = 1 + = 1+1- = 2-

E[T(n)] = = + =

End up

  • not a comparison sort
  • probabilistic analysis
  • different from a randomized algo., where we use randomization to impose a distribution
  • With bucket sort, if the input isn’t drawn from a uniform distribution on [0,1), all bets are off (performance-wise, but the algorithm is still correct).

Algorithm Ch8 Sort in linear time[object Object]/Algorithm/Algorithm-Ch8-Sort-in-linear-time/
crown tako